Senate Bill S915 2023-2024 Legislative Session Senate Bill S915 relates to requiring sign language interpreters during live broadcast press conferences during a declared state of emergency DOWNLOAD BILL TEXT PDF Senate Bill S915 really took me by surprise. It’s...
Senate Bill S393 2023-2024 Legislative Session Provides priority status to victims of human trafficking for the receipt of certain assistance [download a copy of the bill ] Senate bill 393 provides for priority for applications and expedited determination of claims...
NYS Senate Bill 286 [download the bill ] NYS Senate Bill 286 is crafted to prohibit the termination of tenancy in certain housing occupied by senior citizens and or persons with disabilities. What? You thought NYS Real Property Law anti-discrimination section...
The Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act is now a reality. This law amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. It will develop scenario-based training curricula (or identify existing curricula) that include topics such as alternatives to...