Knowledge Is Power. Information Is Liberating.

Knowledge Is Power. Information Is Liberating.

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. I’m Lisa Vallone. I have been involved with politics & government since my preteen years. The majority of my involvement centered around my role as a consultant to help various Party Chairs learn how to run more...
Editorial: We are all perfectly imperfect

Editorial: We are all perfectly imperfect

Editorial: We are all perfectly imperfect It wasn’t that long ago that a madman murdered millions of people because they did not fit into his “perfect race” theory. I would like to think we are better than that – that we value the imperfection in each of us. And...
SC feed the children – Editorial

SC feed the children – Editorial

Editorial: A bill was introduced in South Carolina to amend the code of laws from 1976 whereby public schools, public school districts, charter schools, and charter school governing bodies may no longer use debt collection agencies to collect or attempt to collect...
Editorial: Florida – Spread love not hate

Editorial: Florida – Spread love not hate

Editorial: Back in 2015 the Florida Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. Yet, the Florida State legislature, to date has yet to repeal the state statues that prohibit the recognition of same sex marriages. In 2022 SB 168 was introduced...
Editorial: “MADD About this bill”?

Editorial: “MADD About this bill”?

Editorial: “MADD About this bill”? Vermont is taking steps to lower the legal blood alcohol concentration limit to operate a motor vehicle in the State to below 0.05. This bill, H733, was crafted to change the current prohibition on operating a motor vehicle from the...