Governor Hochul just signed a dangerous bill into law
Governor Hochul just signed a dangerous bill into lawLaws - the Good the Bad, or the Ugly tell us your thoughtsWe should not go quietly. Weigh...
15 Natural Cleaning Products
15 Natural Cleaning ProductsOur mothers and grandmothers were known for using common household cleaning products for tackling stains and common...
HOW DOES ONE BECOME HOMELESS? By: Reverend Tim PageHoly Church of Christ Binghamton, NYLet me start this by giving my own experience with becoming...
Physician Anonymity in Abortion Prescriptions
Protecting Patient Rights: The Case Against Physician Anonymity in Abortion Prescriptions In the debate over reproductive rights, transparency in...
Save lives- Put Blood Types on NY State Driver’s Licenses
The Lifesaving Case forBlood Typeson NY State Driver’s Licensesarticle inspired by Rory Maginley In New York State, the need for efficient emergency...
Are prescription drugs making you fat?
HealthYou eat right, exercise and still gain weight. You have had your thyroid checked and it is working properly. So what is causing the weight...
The 911 on Ticks
You May Be Surprised to Find Out This About Ticks? Despite staying away from shady, moist areas and tall grass, I was bitten. I could tell it was...
Campus Life: Homelessness on College Campuses
New section: College LifeThe Forgotten Crisis: Homelessness on College Campuses By Logan BlakesleeLogan Blakeslee is the former VP of Student...
Will NY be one of the Winners of the Green Chemistry Awards 2023?
Will NY be one of the Winners of the Green Chemistry Awards 2023?All the entries are in for the 2023 EPA Green Chemistry Challenge Awards, a program...
If you can afford your prescription drugs – Then Holler I!
Who can afford prescription drugs, holler I For 58 Million American’s it has become a balancing act between food, shelter, and the prescription...
Is Your Tap Water Killing You?
Is Your Tap water killing you?Long ago people began switching from well water to municipal water for convenience and water quality safety. Workers...
Assembly Bill A8472Hospice is medical care for those near the end of life who have a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less...
Are off label drugs killing us?
Have you ever heard of off-label drugs? No? Well, the FDA describes them as an “FDA-approved drug for an unapproved use to treat your disease or...
Bill HR2596 Agent Orange Exposure
Bill HR2596 Agent Orange Exposure 11 million gallons of the chemical defoliant Agent Orange were sprayed in Vietnam, affecting three million Vietnam...
NH HOUSE BILL 65: Food Allergies
Are you one of the 32 million people in the United States that suffers from food allergies? If you are, or if you know of someone who has food...