Dangerous Laws Being Proposed that You Need to Know About

Is sexual reassignment a form of child abuse?

Is sexual reassignment a form of child abuse?

HB 1651-FN was legislation that was crafted to add sexual reassignment to the definition of child abuse. It stated that sexual reassignment means subjecting a child to drug treatments or surgery in an attempt to alter the sex the child was assigned at birth. It does...

NH HOUSE BILL 65: Food Allergies

NH HOUSE BILL 65: Food Allergies

Are you one of the 32 million people in the United States that suffers from food allergies? If you are, or if you know of someone who has food allergies you will want to read on. HOUSE BILL 65 is legislation also called “Rachel’s Law” which mandates that each food...

NC Session Law 2021-146: On the job training for magistrates

NC Session Law 2021-146: On the job training for magistrates

We can all agree that magistrates should have training for their job. With that said Session Law 2021-146 modifies the training requirements for magistrates by requiring completion of an annual in-service training course, with a minimum of twelve hours of instruction,...

SC S*0231 Suicide Info on Student Cards

SC S*0231 Suicide Info on Student Cards

S*0231 took me by surprise. It provides student identification cards issued by public schools and public and private institutions of higher learning must include certain contact information concerning the National Suicide Prevent Lifeline and certain other crisis...

SC S*0425 Helping Vulnerable Adults

SC S*0425 Helping Vulnerable Adults

This act would authorize financial institutions to decline certain transaction requests in cases of the suspected financial exploitation of vulnerable adults. If they suspect this type of exploitation they are to notify the Department of Social Services and the Office...

SC feed the children – Editorial

SC feed the children – Editorial

Editorial: A bill was introduced in South Carolina to amend the code of laws from 1976 whereby public schools, public school districts, charter schools, and charter school governing bodies may no longer use debt collection agencies to collect or attempt to collect...

GA HB 236   Victims Granted Temporary Protective Orders

GA HB 236 Victims Granted Temporary Protective Orders

HB 236 is legislation that provides for additional monitoring of a victim after granting a temporary protective order. Upon obtaining a protective order under Code Section 19-13-3 or 19-13-4, the petitioner may elect to request periodic security checks from any local...

GA HB 128, Gracie’s Law

GA HB 128, Gracie’s Law

HB 128, Gracie's Law; is legislation that finds (1) A mental or physical disability does not diminish a person's right to health care; (2) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq., prohibits discrimination against persons with...

GA HB 106 – National Guard renaming?

GA HB 106 – National Guard renaming?

HB 106 is legislation to replace the term “National Guard “with the term “organized militia law enforcement”. The term includes members of the Georgia National Guard organized militia who have been called into active service by the Government. (a) The militia of the...

Editorial: Florida – Spread love not hate

Editorial: Florida – Spread love not hate

Editorial: Back in 2015 the Florida Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. Yet, the Florida State legislature, to date has yet to repeal the state statues that prohibit the recognition of same sex marriages. In 2022 SB 168 was introduced...

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