2023 Events Lineup

Holiday Time in Upstate NY

Holiday Time in Upstate NY

Holiday Time in Upstate New York There is no denying that Upstate New York captures the essence of the holiday season, offering festive lights,...

November events

November events

November 1 The annual Troy Turkey Trot has been a Saratoga tradition since 1916 and has grown to become one of America’s most prestigious road...

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.   The perfect Halloween mood experience - Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”  Enjoy an evening of...

Punkin Chunkin’ 

Punkin Chunkin’    Punkin Chunkin’ (Thousand Islands-Seaway) Ever wondered what happens to the pumpkins that don’t turn into carved...

Bethel Woods Harvest Festival

Bethel Woods Harvest Festival   Take a trip out to Bethel Woods for their Harvest Festival. There will be special attractions this year as they...