You May Be Surprised to Find Out This About Ticks?
Despite staying away from shady, moist areas and tall grass, I was bitten. I could tell it was the tiny black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, engorging itself on my left leg. And I knew this meant the tick had the potential to carry Lyme disease, a serious illness that carries with it debilitating symptoms. Other than that I knew very little else, and I want to share that information with you as time is of the essence once the tick attaches.
The 911 on Ticks:
“Lyme disease is caused by bacteria transmitted by infected blacklegged (deer) ticks (both nymphs and adults), which are most active when temperatures are above freezing.” That means it is not just the summer months you need to worry about.
Tick bites are painless so many times a person doesn’t know they have been bitten.
The sooner you get treated for tick-borne illnesses the better; but most tests do not show a positive until at least six weeks after being bitten and many doctors do not test unless you show symptoms.
Tickreport.com is the place I sent my tick to be tested and I received the report in 48 hours mentioning which of the 25 PATHOGENS [ticks carry a range of bacteria, viruses, and parasites, all of which can be called “pathogens” as a group] carried. My tick was positive for Relapsing fever Lyme, Lyme borreliosis -specific, Babesia, Powassan, Anaplasma, and Tick-borne encephalitis just to name a few. Based on the results of my report, my doctor chose to begin me on a 21-day regime of doxycycline because my test showed the tick had tested positive to more than just Lyme.
Tickreport.com also lets you know how long the tick has been feeding on you, which is critically important because the chances of contracting a tick borne illness depend on how long the tick has been attached. For example, the Powassan virus may be transmitted very quickly. To transmit Borrelia burgdorferi, an ADULT infected deer tick needs to feed for at least 36 or even 48 hours before the risk of transmission becomes substantial; THIS TRANSMISSION TIME CAN SHORTEN TO CLOSER TO 24 HOURS IN THE TICK’S NYMPH STAGE. And, if a tick is in you for less than 24 hours, it presents a moderate risk for exposure to Anaplasma bacteria.
There are no medicines to treat you for some of the tick borne illnesses. For example, there are no medicines you can take for the Powassan virus.
It is important to know what the tick is carrying because not all medicines work alike. Doxycycline, for example, is great for Lyme but if you have contracted A RED BLOOD CELL PARASITE LIKE Babesiosis you might need a combination therapy with atovaquone and azithromycin.
If you puncture the body of the tick while trying to remove it, ADDITIONAL PATHOGENS CAN MAKE THEIR WAY INTO THE BITE WOUND AND INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF INFECTION. So, it is important to slowly back the tick out to ensure you do not compromise it or you can go to your doctor to have them remove it.
If you have a tick borne illness you should seek out a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor. They have been trained to diagnose and treat these diseases.