NJ A131 was designed to repeal the “Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote,” adopted as part of the NJ statutes and amends various parts of the statutory law to remove any reference to the agreement. “By requiring that...
New Jersey is one of the top 3 states with the lowest number of uninsured motorists. Currently, it is at 3.1%. And NJ is working to drop that number even lower with Assembly bill 151 – to establish an “accessible system for online verification of the evidence of...
With A142 New Jersey has come up with a way to help ensure only those legally allowed to be live and work here can do so. The bill “requires every contractor who is required to pay its employees the prevailing wage rate to verify the employment eligibility of its...
OVERVIEW: The Proposed Committee Substitute for House Bill 29 would require State agencies, State agency licensing boards, and occupational licensing boards to verify the immigration status of applicants for public benefits and would prohibit them from providing any...
This legislation upped the offense for someone purposely or knowingly causing serious bodily injury to a person 65 years of age or older where the victim is more than 10 years of age older than the actor. The offense will now be a Class A Felony. At first glance, I...
HB 683 is legislation that prohibits any correctional officer, jail officer, or other employee of a state, local, or juvenile correctional facility from using a canine to extract a prisoner or juvenile from his cell unless there is a threat of death or serious bodily...