
Billy’s Law is finally a reality.

Billy’s Law is finally a reality.

If any good can come from tragedy this would be it.  In 2004 a young man of 31, Bill Smolinski of Waterbury CT went missing from his home.   Although Billy’s investigation was conducted by local, state and federal agencies, his family found that there were areas that...

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Who is Tonya

Who is Tonya

Who is Tonya Tonya is just one of an estimated 25 million people who are subjected to human trafficking, a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services or to engage in commercial sexual acts.  Please click on this link to learn more...

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Election Day Holidays and Paid Time Off To Vote A common barrier for voters casting their ballots in-person or returning absentee ballots is getting time away from their jobs. There is no federal law that requires voters be provided time off to cast their ballot, so...

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Are off label drugs killing us?

Are off label drugs killing us?

Have you ever heard of off-label drugs? No? Well, the FDA describes them as an “FDA-approved drug for an unapproved use to treat your disease or medical condition.” Sounds harmless at first pass but it is anything but risk-free. Currently, 21% of all medications...

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Should any of these bills be reintroduced?

Should any of these bills be reintroduced?

Should this Bill to reduce our generated State’s garbage by 85% be reintroduced? NYS has always been a leader in waste reduction.  In fact, there are only two states, Vermont and Oregon, that have a better ranking on eco-friendly behaviors.  And so, it was a surprise...

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Best of NY  

Best of NY  

Enter your choice forBest of NY  Giving to make a better community   This sense of pride and recognition outreach is designed to recognize the people, organizations, and businesses that readers found to be worthy of mention for their efforts in making a better...

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Bill HR2596 Agent Orange Exposure

Bill HR2596 Agent Orange Exposure

Bill HR2596 Agent Orange Exposure 11 million gallons of the chemical defoliant Agent Orange were sprayed in Vietnam, affecting three million Vietnam veterans and their families with life-threatening diseases and cancers. To that end, Congressional member Kato has...

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Knowledge Is Power. Information Is Liberating.

Knowledge Is Power. Information Is Liberating.

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating.Lisa Vallone O'KeefeEditor in ChiefInformedNY.comI’m Lisa Vallone. I have been involved with politics & government since my preteen years. The majority of my involvement centered around my role as a consultant to help...

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“9/11 Immigrant Worker Freedom Act” HR 5700

“9/11 Immigrant Worker Freedom Act” HR 5700

I think I speak for everyone when I say America is forever thankful to those who put their lives at risk to save others on 9/11. And so with that thought, and without leading you in your opinion, I present the synopsis of this bill: 1. The title of the bill says it is...

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