New York’s Firearm Possession Bill:

A Direct Assault on Constitutional Rights
In a bold and alarming move, New York lawmakers have introduced a bill that could strip millions of young adults of their constitutional right to bear arms. Assembly Bill 346 seeks to make it unlawful for anyone under the age of 21 to possess rifles, shotguns, firearms, or ammunition—with limited exceptions for hunting licenses. This legislation represents a dangerous overreach that threatens not only the Second Amendment but also the fundamental freedoms of law-abiding citizens.
By criminalizing firearm possession for young adults, this bill undermines the constitutional rights of a group already deemed responsible enough to vote, serve in the military, and enter into legally binding contracts. The message is clear: in the eyes of New York lawmakers, you’re old enough to fight for your country, but not to protect yourself or your family.
The implications of this legislation are far-reaching and deeply concerning. By targeting individuals aged 18 to 20, the bill effectively disarms a critical segment of the population, leaving them vulnerable to crime and unable to exercise their basic right to self-defense. For many, especially those living in rural areas where law enforcement response times can be lengthy, firearms are not just a means of protection—they’re a lifeline.
Proponents of the bill argue it’s a necessary step to reduce gun violence, but critics rightly point out that it punishes law-abiding citizens while doing little to address the root causes of crime. Disarming responsible young adults will not stop criminals, who by definition do not follow laws. Instead, it creates a new class of defenseless targets.
Even more chilling is the precedent this bill sets. If New York succeeds in raising the age for firearm possession, what’s next? A ban on firearms for anyone under 25? Or perhaps a requirement to “prove” your need for self-defense before owning a weapon? The slippery slope is all too real, and this bill could mark the beginning of a dangerous trend across the nation.
Now is the time to act. Contact your representatives and demand they oppose this assault on constitutional rights. Share this information with your friends, family, and community. Let your voice be heard loud and clear: Americans will not stand for the erosion of their freedoms.
Our rights are under attack, and if we don’t fight back now, the consequences could be irreversible. Stand up for your Second Amendment rights before it’s too late.
2025-2026 Regular Sessions
January 8, 2025
Introduced by M. of A. PAULIN — read once and referred to the Committee on Codes
AN ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to establishing the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 265.05 of the penal law, as amended by chapter 56 of the laws of 1985, is amended to read as follows:
§ 265.05 Unlawful possession of weapons by persons under sixteen. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen to possess any air-gun,spring-gun or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring or air[,or any gun or any instrument or weapon in or upon which any loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or any loaded or blank cartridges or ammunition therefor,] or an dangerous knife; provided that the possession of rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor by the holder of a hunting license or permit issued pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law and used in accordance with said law shall not be governed by this section. A person who violates the provisions of this section shall be adjudged a juvenile delinquent.
§ 2. The penal law is amended by adding a new section 265.05-a to read as follows:
§ 265.05-a Unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one to possess any rifle,shotgun,or firearm as defined in section 265.00 of this article, or any gun or any instrument or weapon in or upon which any loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or any loaded or blank cartridges or ammunition therefor, provided that the possession of rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor by the holder of a hunting license or permit issued pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law and used in accordance with said law shall not be governed by this section. Unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one is a violation; provided that a person under the age of eighteen who violates the provisions of this section shall be adjudged a juvenile delinquent.
§ 3. The opening paragraph of subdivision a of section 265.20 of the penal law, as separately amended by chapters 130 and 134 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
Paragraph (h) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 and sections
265.01, 265.01-a, 265.01-b, 265-01-c, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04, 265.05,
265.05-a, 265.10, 265.11, 265.12, 265.13, 265.15, [265.36,] 265.37,
265.50, 265.55 and 270.05 shall not apply to:
§ 4. This act shall take effect immediately.
EXPLANATION–Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted.