I think I speak for everyone when I say America is forever thankful to those who put their lives at risk to save others on 9/11. And so with that thought, and without leading you in your opinion, I present the synopsis of this bill:

1. The title of the bill says it is “To provide individuals who performed rescue, recovery, demolition, debris cleanup, or other related services after the September 11 terrorist attacks an opportunity to adjust their status to that of lawful permanent residents, and for other purposes” Should these individuals who were here illegally, or were not born in the US, be afforded all the rights, privileges & benefits of a lawful citizen for providing help during our time of need?

2. Would your opinion change if you knew they worked or volunteered onsite for at least 24 hrs during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, and ending on September 30, 2001?

3. And is it a concern that the bill mentions that some of the the alien(s) were members of a fire or police department?

4. Does this bill fit the definition of “extraordinary circumstances” as we learned in the last issue is a private bill that can be introduced by Congressional members to grant citizenship to illegal aliens.