Important issues
How did your state legislator vote?

We Are All Americans by Louise Vallone
We Are All AmericansLouise Vallone is a community activist, author, and grassroots organizer who has worked diligently to protect the environment and educate voters on issues - including those involving health and wellness. She has received various awards and...

Podcast: Ohio Train Derailment – why isn’t it getting the attention it needs?
On 3 February, a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. The train was carrying 11 harmful chemicals including vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, benzene, ethyl hexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. Although these chemicals are...

Podcast: Let’s Talk about Trump, The Pledge of Allegiance, and 1st Amendment
Trump's new video has everyone talking. Let's discuss it here not on the basis of the J6 but on the topics of 1st Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance. #Trump #President #itunes #song #pledgeofallegiance #starspanglebanner #hit #music #patriotic #j6 #1stamendment...

New York State’s Structurally Deficient Bridges
New York State’s Structurally Deficient BridgesEvery 2 years NYS inspectors assess all 17532 bridges in the state. From the latest database, it was found that 1697 have been deemed to be in poor condition. That equates to 10.33 percent of the bridges in NYS being...

If you can afford your prescription drugs – Then Holler I!
Who can afford prescription drugs, holler I For 58 Million American’s it has become a balancing act between food, shelter, and the prescription drugs they need to stay alive.*I am proud that America has some of the greatest healthcare facilities, medical personnel,...

Is Your Tap Water Killing You?
Is Your Tap water killing you?Long ago people began switching from well water to municipal water for convenience and water quality safety. Workers diligently dug up the roads and laid pipes to service millions of homes. But was this water service a safer alternative...

Podcast: Domestic Terrorism – the enemy lives among us
Domestic terrorism has increased significantly over the past few years. Why is this happening and what can we do about it? #terrorism #terrorists #America #keepAmericasafe

Podcast: Age Discrimination – putting our elderly at risk
Age discrimination is real and it is happening in more places than the employment field. #age #agediscrimination #youth #elderly #vital --- Support this podcast:

Which countries own land in the United States?
Are you surprised to learn that other countries own land in the United States - including farmland? How about the fact they own a lot of our debt? Does that put the United States at risk? #USA #America #farmland #debt #residential #homes #realestate #China

Cold Case: Aliza Spencer’s murderer
SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING $29,500 reward leading to the arrest of Aliza Spencer’s murdererThere is the saying that we each have the power to help change this world, even if we believe our contributions are too small to have an impact. And yet time and again we find...