are you ready to vote

are you ready to vote

Am I still registered to vote? Find out:

Can I change my registration? Yes, for info go to:

Am I eligible to vote?


If you can answer yes to all of the questions below you are eligible to vote in NYS

  • be a United States citizen;
  • be 18 yrs old (you may preregister at 16 or 17 but can’t vote until you are 18);
  • a resident of the state, county, & city /village for a min. 30 days before the election;
  • not be in prison for a felony conviction
  • not be adjudged mentally incompetent by a court;
  • not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

What are the Voter Registration Deadlines?

Deadlines vary depending on if it is for the Primary or General Elections or absentee voting. 

Go to:

I prefer to fill out a registration form at home and bring it in.  Is that possible? Yes.

New York State Voter Registration Form

vote button for clothingYou may register to vote using the NY State Voter Registration Form accessible at the links below. You can complete a PDF version of the New York State Voter Registration Form on-line by clicking on the link below, typing the necessary information and selecting the appropriate boxes.

Alternatively, you can print the form to complete by hand.

Once the form is completed, you need to print the form and sign it, (we cannot accept any kind of digital or Adobe-generated signature), and mail the form to your county board of elections.

You can also complete an accessible version of the NY State Voter Registration Form online by clicking on the link below, typing the necessary information, and selecting the appropriate boxes. Once the form is completed, you need to print the form and sign and date it. Then, mail the form to your county board of elections.

Can I Cancel My Registration?

Yes. In order to have your name removed from the voting rolls, pursuant to N.Y. Election Law section 5-400, you must send a written letter to the local board of elections where you lived requesting to have your registration canceled. You must send a written letter, you cannot accomplish this via email. Contact information for all local boards is available on the county board of elections page.

I am in the military or a spouse or dependent of a military person may I register to vote in NY? Yes go to:

I am a victim of Domestic Violence and want to register confidentially. Is that possible? Yes, go to

N.Y. Election Law (5-508) allows victims of domestic violence to apply for a confidential registration by delivering a sworn statement to their local county Board of Elections stating they are a victim of domestic violence and they wish to have their voter registration record kept confidential because of the threat of physical or emotional harm to themselves or a family or household member. Their voter registration record will be kept separate and apart from other registration records for four years and not be made available for inspection or copying by the public or any other person, except election officials acting within the course and scope of their official duties. Under a separate section of the law (11-306), they can also be excused from going to their polling place to vote and get a special ballot. For further information, please contact your local board of elections.
New York State Statement of Confidential Voter PDF