New York Attitude

No one tells the evolving story of New York State like Informed NY!

Our March Edition will be featuring Summer Camps… just the words evoke wonderful memories full of sun filled days, laughter, and the forming of deep friendships.

And because of those memories Informed NY is

offering Summer Camps
a bit of free advertising


If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at

Free Ad Listing

starfish free ad listing for summer camps

In the Summer Camp Supplement of Informed NY’s March/April magazine.

Your listing will be listed in the print/digital issue of the magazine and on the website.

The listing will include:

  • Camp’s name
  • Address
  • Email & Phone
  • And up to a 30-word description.

Special Pricing FREE

Enhanced Ad Listing

enhanced ad listing listing for summer camps

In the Summer Camp Supplement of Informed NY’s March/April magazine.

Your listing will be listed in the print/digital issue of the magazine and on the website.

The listing will include:

  • Camp’s name in color
  • Address
  • Email & Phone
  • And up to a 50-word description.
  • Your ad will be boxed (have a border around it to make it stand out from the other listings)

Special Pricing $50

Enhanced Ad Listing & banner ad on our website

enhanced ad listing listing for summer camps

In the Summer Camp Supplement of Informed NY’s March/April magazine.

Your listing will be listed in the print/digital issue of the magazine and on the website.

The listing will include:

  • Camp’s name in color
  • Address
  • Email & Phone
  • And up to a 50-word description.
  • Your ad will be boxed (have a border around it to make it stand out from the other listings)
  • website banner 600×600 pexels

Special Pricing $125

Enhanced Ad Listing & 1/2 page ad in the magazine + banner ad on our website

enhanced ad listing listing for summer camps

In the Summer Camp Supplement of Informed NY’s March/April magazine.

Your listing will be listed in the print/digital issue of the magazine and on the website.

The listing will include:

  • Camp’s name in color
  • Address
  • Email & Phone
  • And up to a 50-word description.
  • Your ad will be boxed (have a border around it to make it stand out from the other listings)
  • website banner 600×600 pexels
  • 1/2 page ad in the magazine (4″H x 10.5″W,  300 dpi, CMYK)

Special Pricing $375